divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010

The papers books

In the world a lot of people read newspapers and the same of paper books and it 's better for sight. In my view there are many advantadges to read in papers.
First of all, old people have a tired sight, and when they arrive at home they want to read in newspapers or papers. Basically is better for the sight of different ages people.
Secondly, in addition paper books are a folkloric and tradicional objects. Sometimes these books have a wonderfull smell. Furthermore, people can write in some pages if the books are their property, besides paper books have a magic yellow colour that show the long age of this.
In conclusion, I think paper books will never die so people will read at the same time of digital books. I’m going to write about celebrities because although they are famous and very rich, aren’ t always happy and every moment reporters ask him.

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