divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010

Thirteen and Adrian Mole

Adrian Mole is thirteen years old and he lives with his parents. He is obsessed with his spots, and is a normal teenager.Tracy is the same age as Adrian. At first she was a good girl with good marks, but she wanted to be cooler and she started to go around with Evie, the most popular girl in the school, it is possible that she doesn’t have confidence in herself; she starts to steal, to take drugs, alcohol,… But she doesn’t want it because she then she cuts herself.
These are different cases of adolescence, but they have similarities.
They have bulling problems at school, Adrian with Berry Kent, who hits him; and Tracy with Evie and the other boys and girls.
Divorced parents, who are alcoholics, and their parents have new boyfriends or girlfriends
Don’t have a really good friend, because they haven’t got a person who listens to their problems and helps in everything
I think that Adrien is a normal boy that has problems at home, but Tracy is more exaggerated because her life changes a lot and her family is stranger than Adrian’s family.

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